A Pop Project in a Hick World
(Or, How Ultralocal Becomes a Respectable Place)
by Guadalupe Echevarría
In this text, Guadalupe Echevarria compares examples of the political power of pop in various yet specific contexts at different points in history. From the birth of American folk music to Brazilian tropicàlia via Bob Dylan, her essay offers insight into the transgressive function of experiences that juxtapose art, popular culture, and politics in an age of ultralocal critical theory.
Echevarria is the director of the École des beaux-arts in Bordeaux.
L’effet star III : le corps publicitaire
In January 1987, Alain Sabourin interviewed Jean Baudrillard at CAPC musée d’art contemporain in Bordeaux. L’Effet Star, the overall title of a series of four lectures and interviews, was part of the museum’s Cinéma au musée program. When introducing this talk, Michel Bourel pointed out that “Jean Baudrillard, through his books, has plumbed and challenged our system of representation, which has become what he calls ‘the sacred horizon of appearances’. His talk will bear on ‘the advertising body,’ that special by-product of the world of hypervisibility.”
L’effet Star No. 3: Le corps publicitaire can now be published thanks to the kind authorization of Marine Baudrillard.
Conférence à l’École des beaux-arts de Bordeaux. Richard Hamilton
This video records a lecture given by British artist Richard Hamilton at the École des beaux-arts in Bordeaux on October 30, 1996. Born in 1922, Hamilton was a member of the Independent Group in London in the 1950s, when its shows at the Institute of Contemporary Arts gave birth to British Pop Art. His work at the time was linked to the pioneering theories of critic Lawrence Alloway on the relationship between art and popular culture, based on a principle of non-hierarchical equivalence. Hamilton’s vast oeuvre, however, cannot be reduced to this one seminal period. From his Duchamp-inspired pieces to computer-based work (he himself designed two computers in the 1980s), via his collaborations with Dieter Roth in the 1970s, Hamilton is one of the major artists of the contemporary era. This lecture is therefore a precious historical record.
Invited to speak by Jean Sabrier and Guadalupe Echeverria, he is introduced and interviewed by Michel Aphesbero, a teacher at the École des beaux-arts in Bordeaux. The video was edited for this issue of Rosa B by Véronique Lamare.
Lux & Ivy Favorites
The Cramps
by Archives 4 taxis
Hey, they look like the living dead!”
“Don’t panic! I’d rather think of jellyfish.”
Freshly exhumed from the 4 Taxis archive, this excerpt comes from Lux & Ivy Favorites, a videotape devised by the Cramps at the request of 4 Taxis.
A pair of VCRs, as useless as the faded pictures they record, display a frenetic series of events compiled from exploitation films, TV shows, and vintage trailers.
To some extent, a guided tour of a supply store designed for the likes of Richard Prince, Paul McCarthy, Mike Kelley & Co….
“Most of these films were made in a garage or living room with basic equipment and were shot in no time,” say the Cramps. “B movies are like going into a trance: they’ve got soul, but ask no questions.”
The video piece, which lasts 4 hours and 45 minutes in all, was shown in November 1983 at the Sigma Festival in Bordeaux during a 4 Taxis evening, as an appetizer to the issue devoted to Los Angeles.
When everything is fake, it all becomes real.
Many thanks to “l’oreille d’un sourd”, a.k.a. Philippe Garnier.
In Search of Pop: From Seductive Beat to Global Ecstasy
by Yann Chateigné Tytelman / Florent Mazzoleni
In this e-mail exchange, Yann Chateigné Tytelman and Florent Mazzoleni discuss what are the stakes of “pop culture” today, extending from art and music to criticism. They address the forms it takes, its economy, its geography and its politics right from the birth of worldwide pop, ranging from the USA to Africa and back again, not overlooking the “French situation.”
Mazzoleni is a writer, journalist and photographer whose publications notably include L’Épopée de la musique africaine (Hors Collection, 2008), Disco (Flammarion, 2007), L’odyssée du rock (Hors Collection 2004) and, more recently Les racines du rock (Hors Collection, 2008).