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Publishers Guadalupe Echevarría, Charlotte Laubard
Editorial Board Thomas Boutoux, Yann Chateigné, Guadalupe Echevarría, Patricia Falguières, Charlotte Laubard, Didier Lechenne, Annette Nève, Martine Péan, Lili Reynaud-Dewar.
Pop ! : The oblique strategies, February 2009
Guest editor for this issue Yann Chateigné Tytelman
Contributors Atelier pensée nomade, chose imprimée, Jean Baudrillard, Yann Chateigné Tytelman, The Cramps, Patricia Falguières, Guadalupe Echevarría, Richard Hamilton, Guillaume Leroyer & Alex Cortay / Asphalt Duchess, Florent Mazzoleni, Emilie Renard, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Wilfried Paris, Jean-Philippe Tessé, Arnaud Viviant
Translations Gila Walker, Deke Dusinbere
Design director and Web developer Didier Lechenne
Typography "History", Peter Biľak
Thanks 4 taxis (Michel Aphesbero et Danielle Colomine), Marine Baudrillard, The Cramps, Immaculate Heart Community / Corita Art Center, Peter Saville