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L’effet star III : le corps publicitaire
In January 1987, Alain Sabourin interviewed Jean Baudrillard at CAPC musée d’art contemporain in Bordeaux. L’Effet Star, the overall title of a series of four lectures and interviews, was part of the museum’s Cinéma au musée program. When introducing this talk, Michel Bourel pointed out that “Jean Baudrillard, through his books, has plumbed and challenged our system of representation, which has become what he calls ‘the sacred horizon of appearances’. His talk will bear on ‘the advertising body,’ that special by-product of the world of hypervisibility.”
L’effet Star No. 3: Le corps publicitaire can now be published thanks to the kind authorization of Marine Baudrillard.
Lux & Ivy Favorites
The Cramps
by Archives 4 taxis
Hey, they look like the living dead!” “Don’t panic! I’d rather think of jellyfish.”
Freshly exhumed from the 4 Taxis archive, this excerpt comes from Lux & Ivy Favorites, a videotape devised by the Cramps at the request of 4 Taxis. A pair of VCRs, as useless as the faded pictures they record, display a frenetic series of events compiled from exploitation films, TV shows, and vintage trailers. To some extent, a guided tour of a supply store designed for the likes of Richard Prince, Paul McCarthy, Mike Kelley & Co…. “Most of these films were made in a garage or living room with basic equipment and were shot in no time,” say the Cramps. “B movies are like going into a trance: they’ve got soul, but ask no questions.” The video piece, which lasts 4 hours and 45 minutes in all, was shown in November 1983 at the Sigma Festival in Bordeaux during a 4 Taxis evening, as an appetizer to the issue devoted to Los Angeles.
When everything is fake, it all becomes real. Brr…. Many thanks to “l’oreille d’un sourd”, a.k.a. Philippe Garnier.