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From further (1967)
to nowhere (1977)
and beyond (2007)
A video interview, directed by Michel Aphesbero


In this video-interview, Stuart Bailey, a founding editor of Dot Dot Dot and person behind New York’s Dexter Sinister, gives substance to the words and references in this list, while talking about his multi-faceted work as editor, writer and graphic designer, and his research for pertinent new economic models for publishing and distributing books today.

The scale of Dexter Sinister is modest: 16m², three shelves and a handful of books for sale. But what’s at stake in this small basement space on the Lower East Side is inversely proportional to its size. It is in this “Just-In-Time workshop and occasional bookstore” that Bailey, with his accomplices David Reinfurt and Sarah Crowner, formulates an informed criticism of the classical production chains, exploring the mechanisms of print-on-demand, and redefining strategies for the dispersion of printed material. At Dexter Sinister, the division of roles and tasks on which publishing usually rests – between writing, designing, curating, editing, printing, distributing – has been abandoned for new schemes that change according to the projects to fit their ideas and conditions best. Call it “beyond fanzine” or DIY (even if the same tools can be used sometimes), if Dexter Sinister continues to favor paper, it does so without narrow-mindedness, foraying also into exhibition, radio or performance… and composing new material, in stasis and fluid at once.

Stuart Bailey also publishes twice a year the journal Dot Dot Dot., which he and Peter Bilak founded in 2000. With 15 issues produced, DDD probably stands out as this decade’s most exciting periodical. Covering art, music, writing and graphic design, expanded to other territories, DDD plays with the discrepancy between austerity and playfulness in a carefully designed non-design style, undermining the concept of “visual culture” thanks to extreme attention to detail, a constant tension between subjects of study, enlightening references, and, above all, a generative energy.

Michel Aphesbero

Witte Krant, Hollande
  • Witte Krant, Hollande
  • 1967, couverture, détail
Equation for a Composite Design
  • Equation for a Composite Design
  • Stuart Bailey
    Dot Dot Dot #8, 2004
Equation for a Composite Design
  • Equation for a Composite Design
  • Stuart Bailey
    Dot Dot Dot #8, 2004
Equation for a Composite Design
  • Equation for a Composite Design
  • Stuart Bailey
    Dot Dot Dot #8, 2004
Witte Krant, Hollande
  • Witte Krant, Hollande
  • 1967, couverture
Witte Krant, Hollande
  • Witte Krant, Hollande
  • 1967, extrait
Slash, L.A., US
  • Slash, L.A., US
  • #8, avril 1978
Slash, extrait
  • Slash, extrait
  • #8, avril 1978
Witte Krant, Hollande
  • Witte Krant, Hollande
  • 1967 (verso)
Sniffin' Glue, UK
  • Sniffin’ Glue, UK
  • #10, juin 1977
Art-Rite, NY
  • Art-Rite, NY
  • #13, janvier 1977
    Alan Suicide
Richard Hamilton
  • Richard Hamilton
  • Double album blanc 33t. des Beatles
page extraite d'Esquire, US
  • page extraite d’Esquire, US
  • Août 1958
page extraite d'Esquire, US
  • page extraite d’Esquire, US
  • Août 1958
encart publicitaire US
  • encart publicitaire US
  • Apple Macintosh, 1984
New Musical Express, UK
  • New Musical Express, UK
  • 11 janvier 1986
New Musical Express, UK
  • New Musical Express, UK
  • 11 janvier 1986
Time, US
  • Time, US
  • Person Of The Year
    1 janvier 2007
Furore, Hollande
  • Furore, Hollande
  • # -2/-1, septembre 1975
Real Life, NY
  • Real Life, NY
  • #1, mars 1979
    couverture: Sherrie Levine
Furore, Hollande
  • Furore, Hollande
  • #11, ¡Mexico!
    octobre 1978
Sordide Sentimental, Fr
  • Sordide Sentimental, Fr
  • #3, février 1979
    couverture: Loulou Picasso
Sordide Sentimental, Fr
  • Sordide Sentimental, Fr
  • #3, février 1979
Jazz Funk Greats
  • Jazz Funk Greats
  • Throbbing Gristle.1979
  • XTC
  • pochette du disque Go 2. 1978
Rock My Religion
  • Rock My Religion
  • édition américaine
    MIT, 1993
Rock My Religion
  • Rock My Religion
  • édition française,
    les presses du réel, 1993
Richard Hamilton
  • Richard Hamilton
  • Version typographique de Green Box de Marcel Duchamp. 1960
    Ed. Hansjörg Mayer
Richard Hamilton
  • Richard Hamilton
  • Version typographique de Green Box de Marcel Duchamp. 1960
    Ed. Hansjörg Mayer
Imprimeries clandestines
  • Imprimeries clandestines
  • Le Point, mars 1945
Impression de tracts et faux papiers
  • Impression de tracts et faux papiers
  • extrait de Imprimeries clandestines
    Le Point, mars 1945